Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Surviving College, Eating on a Budget

                                                      Surviving College, Eating on a Budget
So this is your first time or maybe you have been doing it for a while. It is very difficult to adjust and really realize how much your parents spend on groceries while you were eating anything and everything in the house, so this list is for shopping on a tight budget, Enjoy!

 Always Buy Generic
You can save tons of money buy not eating the brand names, I promise you after a while you cannot tell the difference. The only exception to this rule is Pop tarts they are the only brand name that the generics can’t duplicate.

 Find the Best Place to Shop
Look around your area and try a couple places out and see which store has the best deals or coupons on your desire of purchase.

 Ramen Noodles
Most everyone who has been in college has lived on Ramen for at least a point of time and why not their cheap and you can just pop them in the microwave and eat something that will fill you up. Ramen is a nice choice for a budget but not so much for the healthy side.

Be Creative, no more expensive potato chips! You can buy some bananas, apples and oranges and eat those or you can create your own trail mix with some nuts and raisins and also you can buy a jar of peanut butter and utilize it with celery, apples and saltine crackers.

 When in Store
Have your mind made out of how much you want to spend and for the time period you want this budget to last. Therefore, it’s always good when you can save money at the grocery store and still have some money to go out with your buddies later and have a little extra in the pocket.

 No More Soft Drinks
Buy water it will keep you healthy and your mind focused and if mixed with the individual packet water flavors you will save a lot of money and be well hydrated.

So go out and try some of these things and you will realize how much money you are able to save

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